4 Harvard Trading Strategies For Your Team To Apply At Rush Time

You know that story about the icing on the cake and that the best comes at the end? This is really what awaits you from now on. So, when your sales team feels that sales are tight, that the month is in crisis or that only difficult and complicated customers have appeared , they will thank you for having presented such rich knowledge that generates tangible results. Check it out:
1 – What Do You Want To Achieve?
Within Harvard’s trading techniques the first and most important question to ask in a sales scenario is: what do you want to achieve? Is it the final sale or just arousing the desire for the product so that, in a second moment, this guy remembers you?
I bet this strategy any salesperson takes the letter. But it is extremely important, because, in rush hour, when the animal catches, the salesperson puts his feet in his hands and forgets what he really needs to do, what he is trying to achieve.
And pay attention, if you think the seller’s role is always just selling, you are quite wrong. Sometimes, the purpose is just to prospect , reactivate an old customer or generate the desire in a possible lead so that he can turn to your company in the near future.
2 – Think Of The “How”
Are you going to approach your customer on the street and say, “So, do you want to buy my product?” Of course not. You need to draw a path. So I go on to say, in this situation, the biggest sin of salespeople is having a gigantic ego.
You can even deny it, say it is not so. But I used to be a salesman and I know that the vast majority inflates the chest to say that “Obviously I know WHAT and HOW I have to negotiate”. And that’s when the salesperson breaks his face, which ends up making mistakes.
I usually associate trading with a split account. Everyone who goes back to studying mathematics skips the sum and divisions part. After all, it’s super easy, isn’t it? But if I now ask these same people to do the count of 1,521 divided by 2,753, either the person will immediately look for a calculator or it will take at least 5 minutes to arrive at an approximate result.
And I am not doubting your ability, even if you work with numbers all day, it is normal to have this difficulty. Because math is not easy. Just as trading is not.
For this reason, Harvard’s second trading technique asks a sales team to create the path with all the possibilities of the customer’s response. How will you perform. How will you discover the guy’s pain? (…) It is very important that the seller is always thinking about this HOW.
Also check out the post on how to make a sales script to help you with this question.
3 – You Need To Face The Tapa In A Trading
There are customers who come into your store and know exactly what they want. Embrace the price with ease, because you need the product. And, consequently, your salesperson is able to close the sale without much ado.
But as not every day is a glory day, there will be customers who will fight for a discount and will not close the deal until they feel they are taking advantage. In this situation, the person who has the least ability to resist pressure is given up first . And the weakest tip can never be that of your sales team.
So, you need to give a discount if the guy is not going to close with your salesman? It’s all right! Earn in quantity, make your customer buy more than one product. And don’t think that you’re being a bad person for trying to “win” in any way.
You are just doing your job, my friend. Just as your customer gets a discount, he needs to give something in return to be fair. So that both parties benefit. This is the idea of Harvard’s third trading technique on good trading.
4 – There Are No Half Words
If your salesman says that he will arrive early to finish the activities that were pending the previous day, but when you arrive at the service, at normal hours, and you don’t see any sign of him there, of course you will be angry. That’s because he gave his word and when someone gives his word, he can’t go back.
This is also true during a trading. A salesperson and the customer start the relationship at square one . For this reason, Harvard’s fourth and final trading technique recommends that during the trading, your salesperson does not return to the starting position or change his mind repeatedly.
In other words, his word is worth gold! So, I’m going to hit the key again. You, as a manager, need to help your team design the entire route on how to get to your customer’s SIM.