Different Types of Moving Services That You Can Explore

Transferring to a new location? Moving to a brand-new home or space is sure to become a new chapter of your life. But before you can finish that life-changing journey, there’s an important first step that you first have to take. And that’s learning what you’re going to do with all the furniture at your old location!

While most of your stuff can be moved pretty easily, furniture and equipment are either too large or too bulky to be moved. People resort to many different tactics in order to clear out their old house. Sometimes they pass their furniture over to their friends or family members, other times they simply sell it. If you’re like most people, you probably have your fair share of items that you want to carry over to your new home, though. So how do you deal with the tricky problem of furniture moving?

How every moving circumstance is different

What’s your situation when it comes to moving? Chances are that your moving woes will be slightly different from another person. Moving furniture is a tricky affair and not every situation will match yours. Some would-be new homeowners have friends who can help them load and unload their furniture, but don’t have their own vehicle. Others may have their own vehicle, but don’t have enough hands to help in disassembling and reassembling their furniture. Another person may have delicate items that need to be moved (such as glassware or paintings), so they can’t really trust just anyone to help move them.

Because of this, a one size fits all approach cannot be taken when it comes to moving services. That’s why a lot of companies that specialise in moving furniture and equipment offer a wide range of services when it comes to moving. If you are someone who is moving to a new place, you might want to try looking into the services that these companies are offering before making a decision, to ensure that you get the most out of your money.

What do moving companies do, exactly?


Well, the answer varies from company to company. A moving company, simply put, is a company that helps move your items and belongings from one place to another. But the specific type of moving service that they may offer can differ depending on the client. For example, some companies specialise in commercial moving services, others are more focused on furniture and equipment storage while you move, and others offer robust services in packing and securing items.

When looking for your moving company, it is important that you carefully consider the type of moving company that you will hire and what kind of services you will avail from them.

Types of moving services

Here are the common types of services that you can find from professional movers and when it fits your moving circumstances the best.

Full moving services

Exactly what it says on the tin. Full moving services are the whole package: your movers will assist you in everything from disassembling your furniture, to providing transportation, to unloading your belongings at your new home. If you want something convenient, full moving services are exactly what you should look into.

International moving services

Here’s something tricky to consider: what if you’re not just moving to a new home across the city, but moving to a new country entirely? Well, you introduce a lot of complex variables that aren’t present in local moving situations. You need to arrange a lot of paperwork and find novel ways to move your belongings. They don’t come cheap, but the services of a professional moving company can save you from a lot of the headaches you’ll need to expect.

Commercial movers

Commercial moving companies are those who specialise in moving belongings from one office or commercial location to another. Why are there moving companies that specialise in commercial areas? Well, for one thing, the equipment and furniture in commercial spaces are often expensive and need to be handled extra carefully. Only movers with considerable experience or expertise in moving these objects should be tasked with this job. Not to mention that many offices and other similar places may have valuable information and data in documents and files that need to move. You need a trusted company that can exercise discretion when moving these items.

Looking for good furniture storage and moving services in Singapore? Contact CYC Movers to help you get started! Enjoy a hassle-free move to your new home.

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