General attitude of UK legal system 

 General attitude of UK legal system 

It was the year of 1707 of one may which brings the formation of Great Britain. The United Kingdom and England are not the same as most of the people interchange it the UK itself has four nations including England, Wales, Scotland and the northern portion of Ireland the United Kingdom adopted this nation in the year of 1927 because of the instability in the government. Only the Irish seas of the English channel have more than hundreds of small islands though the country England is not considered as the separate nation but the major part of Great Britain. 

The political framework of England comprises parliamentary democracy, whereas the organ of parliament is considered as the most powerful organ from all the governmental organizations. 

The legislature of Britain is composed of three elements: the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.

The monarch and the laws

The ruler is the official Head of State which could be the queen or king. The work of the monarch in the sense of law-making is to pass the bills. The bills which were already taken into consideration and under the debate of both houses. The final stage of the bill to become a law is the assumption of acceptance from the monarch. If the ruler accepts the bill, the bill becomes the law. 

Readings of the law

The House of Commons spends most of their time in making the laws. It takes several levels or readings for any bill in the house. When the bill is introduced for the first reading; It is given to the members of parliament. The second reading is conducted by the committees for the secialized examination, and in the third reading, the MPs vote the bill. For the further consideration of amendments, the bill is sent to other organs of legislation. 

Applications of laws for public 

No common man can encode the articles of code and understand it. But if they do all by themselves, the results may vary. That’s why in one’s state, there are law specialists like lawyers, Local solicitors, bureaus and legal executives. The UK Solicitors In Great Britain advice on the legal matters, they help people to understand the issues of law, rights and other legal problems. 

The House of Lords and legal instances

The house of lords Is taken as the highest court or as the final court in the whole Britain which points on the law in the matters of civil cases for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland this chamber of parliament is also known as the court of final appeal in the entire jurisdiction whose authority is of highest from all courts.

Courts and the Solicitors 

 It’s unlikely for Solicitors to appear in any court if the matter gets hard they usually instruct the barristers or specialist advocates or they themselves come into the court in the form of the advocate. As solicitors in Cardiff generally go through in solving the criminal cases. They do guide their clients in representing them in the court, and in the time they also instruct other law executives and present them on behalf of the clients they also do the paperwork for the courts. 


Danny White