Learn The Connection Between Alcohol Use Disorder and Eating Disorders at Our Houston Rehab

Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorders
Both Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorders are considered to be significant mental health illnesses. One may occur initially and raise the other’s prevalence. The co-occurrence of these two illnesses might lead to additional adverse effects on a person’s health, mind, and life.
What is an Alcohol Use Disorder?
An alcohol use disorder or alcoholism is a state where an individual is unable to quit or cut down drinking despite wanting to. Several signs and symptoms may be used to diagnose an alcohol use disorder.
Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder
Consider the following list of signs if you or a beloved one are exhibiting symptoms of an alcohol use disorder:
- Intense alcohol cravings.
- Memory loss.
- Desire to reduce one’s alcohol consumption.
- Attempts to cut down or quit drinking that has repeatedly failed.
- Wasting time, resources, and effort on alcohol.
- Covering up or lying about how much you drink.
- Engaging in risky activities after drinking.
- Isolated heavy drinking.
- Anxiety.
- Dependence on alcohol as a crutch for dealing with everyday problems.
The Unexpected Link Between Eating Disorders and Heavy Drinking
Some people may be more predisposed to developing eating disorders or alcohol addiction if they participate in behaviors such as dietary restriction and binge drinking. Fifty percent of women who disclosed engaging in behaviors indicative of an eating problem also disclosed experiencing difficulties with substance use disorders.
Those who suffer from eating disorders are disproportionately likely also to have an alcohol use problem because of the interplay between the two conditions. When drunk in large quantities on an empty stomach, alcohol has the ability to cause vomiting and hasten the dehydration process. Women who suffer from eating disorders often experience high levels of dread and anxiety, which may be alleviated with alcohol. They worry that others will find out about their bad habits and that they will acquire weight as a result.
Dangerous drunkorexia behaviors should be addressed. An empty stomach speeds up the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning, blackouts, memory loss, and alcohol-related aggression. Brain injury, in extreme situations, may be irreversible.
Drunkorexia is the intentional starvation to counteract the caloric intake from alcohol abuse. In this context, it also refers to drinking heavily to induce vomiting or wash down any meal intake with alcohol. Women are more likely to have “Drunkorexia,” or alcohol-induced calorie restriction, than men. “Drunkorexia” is also a common problem on campuses everywhere. As reported by the National Institute of Health, up to one-third of students report reducing their calorie intake in advance of drinking to offset the calories in alcohol.
Fortunately, Mallard Lake Detox Center Is Here to Offer a Hand From Your Troubles.
The alcohol addiction treatment at Mallard Lake Detox Center in Houston is outstanding for patients with both eating disorders and alcohol abuse issues. The 12-Step recovery philosophy is woven throughout our holistic, strengths-based approach. Patients get evidence-based tools to aid in their recovery via several individual sessions per week, about two psychoeducational groups per day, and regular meetings with our psychologists, psychiatrists, and dietitians. We invite you to contact our Admissions staff to learn more about the Mallard Lake Center addiction treatment magic.