Menopause Remedies: How Effective is It?

Menopause is a natural biological process that happens to women between ages 40 to 50. Here, the regular menstruation stops, and there isn’t any chance to become fertile and get pregnant. Though this phase will be experienced by every woman, its symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, sleeping problems, skin itchiness, vaginal dryness, among others, are all hard to endure. Unfortunately, these can significantly affect the everyday routines, state of well-being, emotions, and decision-making capacities. Fortunately, Yes Wellness noted that there are natural remedies and some treatments that can help menopausal women to relieve these symptoms.

Medicinal Treatments

Hormonal birth control

Oral medication is for those who reach their final menstrual period. Besides dealing with irregular and heavy periods, these birth controls can also help relieve hot flushes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. However, taking these can increase the risk of blood clots that can lead to hypertension, especially those who smoke.

Menopausal Hormone Therapy

This treatment is for those with severe menopausal symptoms. Also called hormonal therapy or hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), these can be oral medications, skin patches, and vaginal rings, suppositories, creams, and gels. These provide the needed hormonal amounts by the body with artificial estrogen and progesterone. This therapy helps various menopausal effects like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleeping problems, mood swings, and night sweats. There are products like HTTPS:// that are used for menopausal hormone therapy.

Regardless of the HRT type to consider, it must be taken on the lowest dosage first because higher risks of stroke and blood clot in the legs and lungs can occur.

Topical Hormone Therapy

This medication is done using a low-dosage estrogen cream and applied directly to the vagina. Though this helps women experiencing vaginal dryness, it cannot be beneficial in other symptoms like hot flashes. Moreover, there are risks associated with using this, primarily if without proper consultation.

Natural Remedies

Red clover

This herb contains phytoestrogens, which are like estrogen. Though this can add the needed estrogen levels by either pills or tea, this is not recommended for women who are currently taking menstrual hormone therapy.

Black Cohosh

This is one of the famous herbs when it comes to healing menopausal symptoms. Taken as dried or fresh, its roots and underground stem are used as tea, capsules, pills, and herbal extracts.


 Ingredients like tofu and miso and other soy products are packed with phytoestrogens. Specifically, soy is filled with isoflavones which can aid in adding more estrogen in the system to help the body to function better. Like other foods filled with phytoestrogens, these are also not recommended by those that are taking ERT.

Mind and Body practices

Nothing beats the effectiveness of doing an active lifestyle and stress-related practices, even in helping every menopausal woman deal with its stressful effects.

Aerobic exercises, yoga, meditation, tai chi, meditation, and acupuncture contribute in dealing different menstrual symptoms like sleeping disturbances, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, night sweats and muscle and joint pains.

All of these remedies against menopausal symptoms are safe to use. However, its results vary on a woman’s genetic factors, age, and health conditions. It is important to consult a doctor first before using or doing any of these remedies.

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